Seeing a dentist is vital.
Due to life having heavy demands, it’s hard to see the dentist regularly. Still, that doesn’t negate the fact that oral health care is essential. Were you aware that a high number of Americans contract oral cancer each year? You don’t want this to happen to you. Most people wish to have white teeth that they can be proud of showing off and you want your enamel to be as healthy as it can be for the entirety of your life so that you can enjoy your favorite foods. Don’t ignore the signs that you need to see a dentist. Keep reading to discover what these top signs are.
1) Do You Bleed After You Brush or Floss Your Teeth?
If you are experiencing bleeding after brushing or flossing your teeth, then you need you could potentially be developing gum disease. If gum disease goes untreated, then it can lead to bone loss around the gums, and cause you to lose your teeth overall. You should check to see if your gums are red, swollen, tender, or if you have any discharge between your teeth and gums.
2)Are Your Gums Receding?
Aging causes gums to recede, especially if you’re 65 and older. However, gum disease may also cause gum recession. The problem with your gums withdrawing is that it makes your mouth more susceptible to tooth decay, infection, pain, and tooth loss. The good thing is that if you catch it early, then proper treatment can stop or reverse the process.
3) Is Your Mouth Constantly Dry?
Signs of a healthy mouth is its ability to produce saliva. Saliva helps wash away food, beverages, and most importantly, makes the mouth less vulnerable to bacteria. Seeing a dentist can help you determine what’s causing your dry mouth and find a solution to restore moisture.
4) Are You a Resident of Catonsville?
If you’re a Catonsville Resident and are guilty of not seeing a dentist in a long time, then come to Catonsville Dental. Our dental excellence is state-of-the-art, and we service people from 3 to 103. We are a family dentist first. Our services are also affordable and excellent.
Oral Care from Catonsville Dental Care
Whether you want to whiten your teeth, straighten your teeth or have a wisdom tooth extracted Catonsville Dental Care offers a wide variety of services when it comes to oral health. We have the experience and understanding to diagnose and treat any problem you have as quickly and painlessly as possible. With four dentists available at our office and commitment to comfort, safety, and relaxation you can’t find a better provider for your health. We look forward to helping you keep your smile perfect all year long and talking with you about your needs. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit us online or give us a call at 410-747-1115. For more tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Flickr,Twitter,andYouTube.