What to Expect from a Tooth Extraction Explained by Your Catonsville Dentist

When you were a child, losing a tooth was cause to celebrate. Not only did it mean you were growing up, but it also meant a trip from the Tooth Fairy. As an adult, however, losing a tooth is far from a reason to celebrate. Still, Tooth Extraction is sometimes necessary. Your Catonsville Dentist explains.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

  1. Orthodontia: Sometimes, a mouth is simply too crowded. When this happens, a dentist may pull a tooth to prepare the mouth for orthodontia to help properly align the teeth.
  2. Not Enough Room: Similarly to the above situation, if there is not enough room for a tooth to erupt through the gum because there is not room in the mouth, tooth extraction may be necessary.
  3. Tooth Decay: When a tooth is damaged beyond repair, extraction may be the only option.
  4. Gum Disease: Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, infects the tissue and bone surrounding the teeth. Sometimes, when a tooth is loosened as a result of gum disease, it may become necessary to pull the tooth.

Tips Following Tooth Extraction

Following a tooth extraction, it is important for a blood clot to form to begin the healing process. Because of this, it is important to do the following:

  1. Bite down on a gauze pad for 30 to 45 minutes after the extraction.
  2. Apply an ice pack to the outside of the mouth to help reduce swelling.
  3. Avoid smoking.
  4. Do not use a straw.
  5. Do not rinse your mouth out vigorously.
  6. Limit vigorous activity for the next day or two.
  7. Prop up your head when lying down. Lying flat may prolong bleeding.
  8. Avoid cleaning the teeth next to the extraction site.
  9. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. These thin the blood and will prevent clotting.
  10. Avoid hot or spicy foods.
  11. Starting the day after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth with saltwater three times a day and/or after meals.
  12. Resume your normal dental routine after 24 hours.
  13. Use pain medication only as directed.
  14. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them as prescribed.

Call your dentist right away if you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, or continued swelling after two or three days.

Leikin & Bayling Dental Care: Your Catonsville Dentist

At Leikin & Baylin Dental Care in Catonsville, Maryland, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality comprehensive dental care around. Plus, because most procedures are performed in our office, you will rarely need to leave our watchful eye.

If you have any questions about What to Expect from a Tooth Extraction or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Leikin & Baylin Dental Care by calling 410-747-1115 or visit CatonsvilleDentalCare.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. And don’t forget, we will be donating $1 to the Catonsville Celebrations Committee for every new “Like” our Facebook page receives.


  1. Pulling a Tooth (Tooth Extraction) WebMD
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